Teacher With Spunk

Teacher With Spunk

Steve Golden
Koliko vam se sviđa ova knjiga?
Kakav je kvalitet fajla?
Preuzmite knjigu radi procene kvaliteta
Kakav je kvalitet preuzetih fajlova?
Paula Hale blushed as she leaned over to pour a glass of wine. Her dress was cut so low that her tits were damn near popping out of it. She was sure her nipples would poke free any second. She straightened up quickly and glanced at her husband Gerald. Then she stole a look at their dinner guest Hal Jenkins.
"You'll have to excuse me, Hal," she said. "My husband insisted I wear this dress tonight. I think he likes to show me off."
"Of course I do!" Gerald grinned. "I believe if a woman has a beautiful body, she should display it. Don't you agree, Hal?"
"Absolutely," Hal said. But he shifted a little nervously in his chair. The sight of her huge tits was obviously having an effect on him.
Again Paula blushed. She was a shy person by nature and it wasn't easy for her parading about nearly topless in from of a strange man. Especially when the man in question was so good-looking. Hal was an old friend of her husband's, but she was meeting him for the first time tonight. Tomorrow he would start teaching in the school where she and Gerald worked. She wondered how she would be able to face him after this evening.
"Paula's so modest about her figure," Gerald went on, glancing at Hal across the dinner table. "She's shaped perfectly, and she's shy about it. Isn't that silly?"
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FB2 , 355 KB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 1988
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